Agent Pool Reward Rules
* Agent Mining Reward Rules 2.0,coming soon……
1.Agent mining accounts for 20% of the total token supply.
The amount available for mining in the first half-year is 10% of the maximum, and the reduction ratio every half-year is 90%, meaning the amount available for mining each half-year is 90% of the previous half-year's amount.
For example, in the first half-year, the maximum reward for MOSS AI Pod is 4.2 million $HYPT,making the reward per Epoch for MOSS AI Agent 102.28 $HYPT. 2.The total number of tokens generated by all pods across the network reaching the current difficulty coefficient standard is considered one Epoch cycle, triggering a token release. On average, tokens are released approximately 225 times per day.
3.The proportion of rewards each pod pool receives is influenced by both the ratio of the pod pool's reward multiplier and the ratio of tokens generated, which together determine the pool's allocation weight.
4.The distribution of rewards in the pod pool is determined by the pool owner. The pool owner, Key staking, and $HYPT staking will share the corresponding rewards based on their respective distribution ratios. The pool owner can modify these ratios, with changes taking effect after 7 days.
Last updated